Why Sponsorship ? EVEREST TIBET 2019 (April & May)
- Sponsoring the Everest Tibet 2019 Expedition will provide your organization with multiple marketing opportunities, enabling exceptional branding exposure through a network of media contacts
- Opportunity for Exclusive Naming Rights and logo to the Expeditions – Maximum brand exposure
- Dispatches from the mountains and the poles posted on internet on multiple websites and social media
- Raise your corporate profile and motivate your employees by supporting an attractive sport activity
- Ensure recognition of your organization as a believer in the power of human potential
- Help raise awareness of the environmental impact on our planet’s most fragile environments
- Provide product testing and endorsement opportunities for outdoor adventure clothing and accessories
- Provide significant exposure to an audience interested in the fields of exploration, adventure, physical challenge and healthy lifestyles
- Provide advertising opportunities for your organization, through logo and company name placement in promotional materials and equipment – before, during, and after the expeditions
- Logo and name placement on all e-mail distributions to media and dispatches from the 7 Summits and the 2 Poles
EVEREST TIBET 2019 - Sponsorship Benefits (April & May 2019)
The following list is a range of sponsorship levels available to your organization for the 7 SUMMITS + 2 POLES Project. Horacio will be happy to speak with you directly to discuss promotional opportunities and to customize a sponsorship package that meets your needs.
Individual $ 5 - $ 200
A lot of small rocks make up a big mountain - Your name will be displayed as a supporter on a rolling list on the 7 Summits + 2 Poles Project Website www.7Summits2Poles.com
Associate Sponsor $ 2,500
Our Associated Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
Your name will be displayed as Associate Sponsor on a rolling list on the Expedition Website
Silver Sponsor $ 15,000
Our Silver Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
Company name, logo and link will be displayed as Silver Sponsor on a highly visible spot on the Expedition Website
Gold sponsor $ 25,000
Our Gold Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
Corporate flag on the Summit of Everest Tibet 2019 with photos and video
Platinum Sponsor $ 35,000
Our Platinum Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
The following list is a range of sponsorship levels available to your organization for the 7 SUMMITS + 2 POLES Project. Horacio will be happy to speak with you directly to discuss promotional opportunities and to customize a sponsorship package that meets your needs.
Individual $ 5 - $ 200
A lot of small rocks make up a big mountain - Your name will be displayed as a supporter on a rolling list on the 7 Summits + 2 Poles Project Website www.7Summits2Poles.com
Associate Sponsor $ 2,500
Our Associated Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
Your name will be displayed as Associate Sponsor on a rolling list on the Expedition Website
- You will receive 3 high quality (paper & digital) photos from the expedition, taken while climbing, in one of the Camps or on the summit of Everest Tibet 2019.
Silver Sponsor $ 15,000
Our Silver Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
Company name, logo and link will be displayed as Silver Sponsor on a highly visible spot on the Expedition Website
- Company logo will be displayed at presentations
- Company name mentioned and logo displayed on gear patches in media coverage
- Small-sized logo display at the end of public speaking presentations and Expedition Final Slideshow
Gold sponsor $ 25,000
Our Gold Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
Corporate flag on the Summit of Everest Tibet 2019 with photos and video
- Logo displayed at the summit and each Camp (via clothing patches)
- Company name, logo and link will be displayed as Gold Sponsor on a highly visible spot on the Expedition
Website - Company name mentioned and logo displayed on gear patches in media coverage
- Logo patch on Right Arm (1.5"x1.5"), and on some equipment or clothing
- Silk screen banner (10"x24") with company logo placed at camps
- Small-sized logo display at the end of public speaking presentations and Expedition Final Slideshow
Platinum Sponsor $ 35,000
Our Platinum Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits
- Corporate flag on the Summit of Everest Tibet 2019 with photos and video - Logo on sled and clothing, including your flag-large logo at the summit (silk screen banner, 10"x24")
- Logo displayed at all media events and at pre and post expedition presentations
- Company name mentioned and logo displayed on gear patches in media coverage
- Company name, logo and link will be displayed as Platinum Sponsor on a prime - highly visible spot on the Expedition Website, beside the Expedition Logo
- (3"x3") Logo patch on selected equipment, Right Chest, Left Knee, and on some clothing
- Silk screen banner (10"x24") with company logo placed at camps
- Medium-sized logo displayed at the end of public speaking presentations and Expedition Final Slideshow and all
promotional materials and press releases. - Diamond Sponsor $ 50,000 - EVEREST TIBET 2019
- The EVEREST TIBET 2019 Expedition will accept only one Diamond Sponsor, creating an excellent opportunity for maximum branding and media exposure
Our Diamond Sponsor will enjoy the following benefits:
EXCLUSIVE Naming rights to the Expedition & Customized Logo - The Company name AND logo will appear on the Expedition Logo
- Corporate flag and logo on the Summit of Everest Tibet 2019 with photos and video (10”x24”)
- Motivational Slideshow to your company after the Expedition
- Premium-sized logo on sled & clothing, photos and video on each Camp showing the company logo and flag
- Premium-sized logo displayed at all media events and at pre and post expedition presentations
- Company name mentioned and logo displayed on gear patches in media coverage
- Premium-sized logo patches on most equipment (4"x4"), including sled/backpack, Left Chest, Right Knee and on some clothing
- Expedition Photography and Video with Corporate Flag and Logo during the approach to Base Camp, climbing route, all camps and summit
- Silk screen banner (10"x24") with company logo placed at camps and summit
- Diamond Sponsor Large Logo included on ALL slides used at public speaking engagements and Expedition Final Slideshow, all dispatches, press releases and promotional materials
- Company name, logo and link will be displayed as Diamond Sponsor on a prime – highly visible spot on the Expedition
Website beside the Expedition Logo and climber’s pictures
Previous media coverage and marketing exposure - Mt Everest Expedition (Nepal)
Highest Banking Transaction on Earth: Standard Chartered Bank - Breeze App from Mt. Everest
Links to media coverage on the Everest World Record - (Also Google Search: Horacio Galanti Everest)